Frontex, NoBorder-Camp in Lesbos und die Situation im Abschiebeknast Pagani

Zwei Filme zu der rassistischen Abschottungspolitik der EU: Über die EU-Agentur FRONTEX und das Noborder Camp in Lesvos 2009 und Bilder aus dem Flüchtlingsknast in Pagini/Lesbos, welches von AktivistInnen besucht wurde.
1. Film:
A short film about the european migrant hunting agency FRONTEX and the noborder camp in Lesvos (25.-31. august 2009). Join the resistance: and
2. Film:
Greece, in the detention center for migrants who crossed the border from Tukey to Greece. More then 800 migrants are locked into this prison in inhuman conditions. Thanks to the demonstrations organized by the No Border Camp in Lesvos a delegetion with doctors, lawyers, translators, media activists were allowed to visit the detention center. A small group of women and children were released. The following day more then 150 migrants were released. They got papers to travel in Greece for approx. 30 days.